Coating technology
Magnetron sputtering means no technological limits and extremely smooth coatings
The term PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) refers to several methods for obtaining coatings by applying various physical phenomena. Their common feature is vacuum - PVD technologies occur at pressures reduced even up to 10-5 Pa. The use of vacuum is one of the factors determining the high quality of the deposited coatings and their adhesion to the substrates.
The PVD coating technology used in vacco is magnetron sputtering. In magnetron sputtering, positively charged energetic ions (created in the plasma) bombard the negatively charged target material and cause kinetic ejection of their atoms. In this way, metal vapours are formed. Magnetron sputtering uses a permanent magnetic field over the sputtered material. Thanks to it, the plasma density is increased in front of the target, which results in increased efficiency and deposition rate of the process.
Preparation of tools before the coating process is a process that cannot be omitted. The tool grinding process usually produces irregular cutting edge geometry.